A fallen hero

I join every decent person in our community to mourn the tragic loss of Minneapolis Police Officer Jamal Mitchell, a decorated hero. Our thoughts go out to his family and loved ones, as well as all others impacted by this tragedy.

This is the first death of a Minneapolis Police Officer in two decades, but police officers across the state face this sort of danger every day, and this is not the first deadly incident in Minnesota in recent months. Our neighbors in Burnsville continue to mourn the loss of officers Elmstrand and Ruge, and firefighter Finseth, earlier this year.

Last night’s events in South Minneapolis were confusing and chaotic, and we await further information. In the meantime, we must seek better solutions to address crime and violence in every part of our community, and support our first responders.

May We Remember The Service Members Who Gave Their Lives …

Newspaper Clipping from the East Troy News, Wisconsin from May 25th 1994, exactly thirty years ago.

… as well as those who served in myriad other ways.

Memorial Day makes me think of my dad, a WWII vet. Every spring, he sold Buddy Poppies for the American Legion to raise money for military veterans and their families. As we spend time with loved ones (and maybe enjoy a good brat and some potato salad), I hope we also remember the service members who didn’t get to come home, and the families who are missing them.

On this Memorial Day, may we remember the service members who gave their lives, and honor them with a renewed commitment to democracy and peace.

Endorsed by Friends of the Boundary Waters!

My friends at Friends (of the Boundary Waters) have endorsed me for the House. They endorse “…candidates who have proven themselves to be strong champions for the environment and clean water. We need bold leaders like these at the Capitol to ensure Minnesota’s most treasured clean water, like the Boundary Waters and Lake Superior, remain clean for future generations.”

As a long time supporter of Friends, and champion for preservation of our northern water rich natural environment, including the Boundary Waters Canoe Area, I couldn’t be prouder of this endorsement.

Check out the Friends site for more information about threats to this amazing ecosystem.

Endorsed by Friends of the Boundary Waters!

I’m proud to have just received the endorsement of Friends of the Boundary Waters! I am a strong believer in the protection of all of the state’s surface waters and aquifers. The Boundary Waters is a treasure recognized across North America as a destination and touchstone to nature. I have stood firm, often under significant pressure, to preserve this region and adjoining watersheds from the insults of the likes of copper-sulfide mining. Thank you friends for all of your efforts to protect what we love!

I Support Our Lakeville Teachers

On Tuesday night, I attended the Lakeville teachers rally, listening session, and meeting. Our union brothers and sisters were out in force with a Teamsters semi, speakers from Education Minnesota, Education Minnesota Lakeville, the AFL-CIO and many community members supporting the teachers.

The Lakeville School Administration is about to enter a world of hurt. Teachers are fed up with the lack of support they are getting from Superintendent Douglas Van Zyl and the school board.

A sea of red-wearing teachers at the Lakeville School Board meeting.

Superintendent Van Zyl faced the sea of red teachers and parents that filled the meeting room yet he ignored all that and proceeded to talk about the nice weather and the accomplishments of students. There was absolutely no acknowledgement of the pain the teachers are feeling or the outrage that had been voiced during the listening session that preceded the meeting.

Carrie Popp, Education Minnesota, Lakeville

Teachers are demanding a fair wage that matches those of surrounding district teachers. They rightfully reject the district’s contract language that would force a teacher to relocate mid-year if the district chose to move them. The superintendent claims the district lacks the funds to meet the teacher’s demands despite the state’s recent increased investment in education. This begs the question, why does this administration manage their funds so poorly that there is no money budgeted to support educators with a salary that is comparable to neighboring districts?

With Erin Preese and others at the rally.

The teachers are prepared to strike on May 10, unless teachers, the administration, board, and the teacher’s union can come to an agreement.

No one wants to strike. Teachers just want to be respected and appreciated. Already short staffed, gifted ISD194 teachers will continue to leave to accept offers in other districts where they can make $10-15,000 more/year. And who can blame them?

For you, dear teachers, who have nurtured and cared for my children, I will continue to show up, speak up, and support you, any way that I can.

In solidarity,

Veda Kanitz
ISD 196 educator
Candidate for the Minnesota House in district 57A.

I Support Lakeville Teachers and Students

Join us Tuesday at 5:45 to 8 PM in support of Lakeville teachers!

Lakeville Teachers have been working without a contract for more than 290 days, and the district is stalling negotiations by trying to push forced transfer language – which would disrupt the work of teachers and students.

  • 5:45 P.M. – Rally
  • 6:00 P.M. – Public Comment
  • 7:00 P.M. – School Board Meeting

Show up! We need people at the rally at 5:45-6:45pm, in the Public Comment session at 6pm, and in the School Board meeting at 7pm. If every person shows up to just one of these three, the district will see that we have the support of the community.

Speak during public comment! We need teachers, coaches, parents, and community members to speak up for a fair and prompt settlement. A speaker does not need to be an expert on all the issues—you simply need to speak to your own experience, and explain how a fair settlement would positively impact you and our community. Speakers need to arrive before 5:45pm to put in their names, and the session is 6:15-6:45pm.

Share this event! Spread word about the rally and the need for a fair, prompt settlement.

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