I Support Lakeville Teachers and Students

Join us Tuesday at 5:45 to 8 PM in support of Lakeville teachers!

Lakeville Teachers have been working without a contract for more than 290 days, and the district is stalling negotiations by trying to push forced transfer language – which would disrupt the work of teachers and students.

  • 5:45 P.M. – Rally
  • 6:00 P.M. – Public Comment
  • 7:00 P.M. – School Board Meeting

Show up! We need people at the rally at 5:45-6:45pm, in the Public Comment session at 6pm, and in the School Board meeting at 7pm. If every person shows up to just one of these three, the district will see that we have the support of the community.

Speak during public comment! We need teachers, coaches, parents, and community members to speak up for a fair and prompt settlement. A speaker does not need to be an expert on all the issues—you simply need to speak to your own experience, and explain how a fair settlement would positively impact you and our community. Speakers need to arrive before 5:45pm to put in their names, and the session is 6:15-6:45pm.

Share this event! Spread word about the rally and the need for a fair, prompt settlement.

Happy Earth Day, and Thank You Bill McKibben!

For me, Earth Day 2024 marks two special occasions: My retirement from a job I love, teaching science in a public school, working with amazing kids and amazing colleagues, and beginning my campaign to represent House District 57A in the Minnesota Legislature.

I also get to thank Bill McKibben, climate activist and founder of 350.org and Third Act, for his kind and generous endorsement of my campaign!

Also, thank you Bill for the tremendous work you do, and your role as a founder of the modern climate change movement. You are an inspiration to us all.

Please consider volunteering for my campaign, or making a modest donation. Thanks!

Endorsed by Women Winning!

I am proud to announce that I have been endorsed by Women Winning, Minnesota’s largest political organization of, for, and by women.

“Women Winning is proud to endorse four extraordinary new candidates for the Minnesota House of Representatives. These candidates represent the absolute best of their communities, through years of service, dedication, and leadership, and we are thrilled that they have stepped up to run on behalf of them,” said Britta Moen, Women Winning Political Director. “We are confident that when these candidates are elected to the Minnesota House they will be champions of reproductive freedom and accessible healthcare for Minnesotans in Saint Paul. We are thrilled to stand beside them on their journeys to the State House.”